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Flower Mix Perennial Bloom Mix Seeds

Flower Mix Perennial Bloom Mix Seeds


Large Seed Packet (8 grams)


Gardeners love perennials because they provide gorgeous color, shapes and sizes for years of enjoyment. You too can create the lovely flowerbeds that you've seen on the glossy pages of catalogues and garden magazines. It will be a joy to watch your garden "spring to life" each season. We've designed this mix to take the guesswork out of planning a perennial garden. You'll be delighted with the successive show of blooms from this packet that will last from spring into fall. A perennial garden has the added bonus of providing nectar for bees, food for birds, and winter interest if the plants are left standing.

Mix includes (see diagram):

Basket of Gold Alyssum

Black-Eyed Susan



Double Carnation

McKana Columbine

Pink Coneflower

White Coneflower

Lance-Leaved Coreopsis

Spring Beauty Dianthus

Alaska Shasta Daisy

Woodland Forget-Me-Not


Bigleaf Lupine

Mexican Hat

Moss Verbena

Oxeye Sunflower

Rocky Mountain Penstemon

Siberian Wallflower

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